Selasa, Agustus 31, 2010

20 ways to save the planet!

  • Using  Your Green Bag
  • Saving the Water
  • Recycling your waste
  • Saving the electrical
  • Saving the ozone
  • Taking your medicine properly
Habiskan obat sesuai dengan anjuran dokter. Semakin banyak obat yang terbuang, semakin banyak sampah yang mengotori bumi!
  • Using recycle equipment for your cosmetic tools
Gunakan produk-produk yang bersahabat dengan bumi, seperti loofah ataupun sisir non plastic!
  • Separating garbage (organic and non-organic)
Pisahkan antara sampah organik dan non-organik, sehingga dapat membantu proses daur-ulang.
  • Biking to work
Dengan bersepeda, kita dapat membantu mengurangi tingkat polusi. 
  • Thinking before doing
 Catatlah apa yang akan dibicarakan. Selain dapat menghemat biaya teleponmu, juga menghemat waktu!
  • Burn your fat
Olahraga teratur, sehatkan raga! Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati!
  • Planting tress
Segarnya jika sejauh mata memandang, terlihat paparan hijau dedaunan. 
  • Saving paper
Berapa banyak pohon yang ditebang, hanya untuk menghasilkan toilet paper or facial tissue-mu?
  • Using non animal testing cosmetic
Binatang juga mempunyai hak untuk dilindungi bukan?
  • Using public transportation or car with 3 passengers
Dengan menerapkan 3 in 1, dapat membantu mengurangi kemacetan lalu-lintas. 
  • Eating smart
Makanlah secara teratur dengan menu sehat!
  • Using non detergent soap
Detergen akan membuat air tanah menjadi basa. Busa banyak belum tentu bersihkan?
  • Managing your time
Jangan menunda pekerjaan, waktu berjalan terus, bumi trus berputar. Gunakan waktu dengan bijak!
  • Atur jarak kelahiran
Banyak anak belum tentu banyak rejeki. Pikirkan kesejahteraan anak dengan mengikuti Keluarga Berencana.
  • Educate your friend and family
Berbagi ilmu pengetahuan tentang menyelamatkan dunia. Why not?

Yuk, sama-sama kita selamatkan bumi dimana kita tinggal!!

Kamis, Agustus 26, 2010

TRADE the movie
When 13-year-old Adriana is kidnapped by sex traffickers in Mexico City, her 17-year-old brother, Jorge, sets off on a desperate mission to save her. Trapped by an underground network of international thugs who earn millions exploiting their human cargo, Adriana's only friend throughout her ordeal is Veronica, a young Polish woman captured by the same criminal gang. As Jorge dodges overwhelming obstacles to track the girl's abductors, he meets Ray, a Texas cop whose own family loss leads him to become an ally. From the barrios of Mexico City and the treacherous Rio Grande border, to a secret internet sex slave auction and a tense confrontation at a stash house in suburban New Jersey, Ray and Jorge forge a close bond as they frantically pursue Adriana's kidnappers before she is sold and disappears into a brutal underworld from which few victims ever return.

Also Known As:
In the Tunnel
The Girls Next Door
Welcome to America
Production Status: Released
Genres: Drama, Thriller and Adaptation
Running Time: 1 hr. 59 min.
Release Date: September 28th, 2007 (wide)
MPAA Rating: R for disturbing sexual material involving minors, violence including a rape, language and some drug content.
Roadside Attractions
Production Co.:
Arri Media
Chapman/Leonard Studio Equipment, Inc.
FilmFernsehFonds Bayern
Claussen & Woebke Filmproduktion, VIP Medienfonds Film & Entertainment (VIP Media Funds), Centropolis Entertainment, Dresden Drive Productions, Reelmachine
Sound One
U.S. Box Office: $214,202
Filming Locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA
Mexico City, Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Produced in: United States

Rabu, Agustus 04, 2010

Recommended KULINER

Domba Bakar AFRICA
Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No.248A Terusan Casablanca, Jakarta Selatan
Pesan Antar (min. 2 porsi) 021-97603309 / 085284672183

Harga per tgl. 18 Juli 2010
  • Domba Bakar Rp 35.000,-/porsi
  • Domba Penyet Rp 25.000,-/porsi (recommended - rasanya uenak tenan!)
  • Pisang Goreng Mayonais Rp 10.000,-/porsi
  • Nasi Goreng Domba Rp 20.000,-/porsi


ITC CMMG, Lt. 4 Blok J 822
Jl. Let. Jend. Suprapto Kav.1, Jakarta 10640
Telp. 021-42888945/42888946
Note : free ongkir